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P�gina de Introdu��o da RSSSF Brasil
(The Introduction Page of the RSSSF Brazil)

LogoRSSSF Brasil

The RSSSF Archive - Main Page.

RSSSF Brasil on Twitter (in Portuguese)

Links para as se��es da RSSSF Brasil (Links to the sections of RSSSF Brazil)

Quem somos n�s (Who are we)
Torneios em Andamento (Current Tournaments)
Resultados Hist�ricos (Historical Results)
Sele��o Brasileira (Brazilian National Team)
Competi��es Internacionais (International Tournaments)
Adi��es Recentes (Recent Additions)
Livros sobre Futebol (Soccer Literature)
Lista de Discuss�es (Mailing List)
RSSSF Search Engines

P�gina de Introdu��o da RSSSF Brasil

A RSSSF Brasil � um bra�o semi-aut�nomo da Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation. Para saber mais sobre a RSSSF, consulte sua p�gina de introdu��o.
(The RSSSF Brazil is a semi-autonomous branch of The Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation. To know more about the RSSSF, see its introduction page.)

Quem Somos N�s

Regras para admiss�o e perman�ncia na RSSSF Brasil

Perfis de alguns membros da RSSSF Brasil. (Profiles of some members of RSSSF Brazil.)

In memoriam:

Diretoria da RSSSF (The RSSSF Board):

Diretoria da RSSSF Brasil (The RSSSF Brazil Board):

Demais membros da RSSSF Brasil (The other members of RSSSF Brazil)

Al�m desses, outros membros da RSSSF Brasil h� algum tempo n�o tem se comunicado ou contribu�do para o arquivo (Additionally, other members who have meanwhile lost e-mail access or the time to contribute to the archive):

(between parenthesis, the area of specialization of each member)

Para mandar um e-mail para qualquer de nossos membros, por favor substitua "at" por @ (To send a e-mail to any of our members, please replace "at" by @).

About this document

Prepared and maintained by the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation and RSSSF Brazil.

Author: RSSSF ( and RSSSF Brazil (
Last updated: 12 Jan 2021.

(C) Copyright RSSSF and RSSSF Brazil 1999/2020.
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.

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